Members comments:

 =  GIVE away...
John Willy Kopperud
[16.Aug.08 16:51]
...of course, if anyone should wonder what FIVE away means!

 =  to willy
Lee Ann Hardt
[17.Aug.08 18:34]
I somewhat fear that I've tried a bit too hard to stick to the letter format and thus lost the poetry feel. I guess simpler would've been better. Thanks again for your encouragement.

 =  The letter format works for me as a reader...
John Willy Kopperud
[18.Aug.08 21:02]
...Lee Ann. I sense the perfectionism in your attitude, but there is some very good imagery to be found in this letter to one or a number of fictional characters.
Your second stanza really takes flight with the use of the images cheekbone, neckline and rails of the tube. In short; this poem didn't let me down!
Cheers from Willy

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