Members comments:

 =  in traffic!
Marius Surleac
[02.Oct.08 20:32]
I like the imagery created here Corina, the wish inflicted by repetition in the third stanza, the patience that stands like a bomb ready to explode. You start first fixing the lens on the simple view "in traffic/ I’m just another car…", then you extend the lens' view in a particular way, having your own person stuck in the core of all that encloses you, and finally you close the poem resigned "in traffic".

I like it. Well done Corina!

Best wishes,

 =  wow Corina
Mike Aspros
[03.Oct.08 07:36]
I agree with Marius, the presentation and the container holding the poem together. I get the sense of desperation shared among everyone, yet we are blind until you showed it to us. Thank you for posting this, well done. - mike

 =  Marius
Corina Gina Papouis
[03.Oct.08 11:50]
Happy you got that 'patience', the silence before a storm. It has a personal meaning to me, nevertheless, expressing (or trying to) a state of mind. I tried the macro - micro approach and than reverse.
Lovely to hear from you!:)

 =  Mike
Corina Gina Papouis
[03.Oct.08 12:01]
Spot on! Desperation contained within one's soul, behind sun glasses (a safe retreat).. How many out there? Who knows. No one would ever guess...but you, guys, of course!

 =  great job..
Christopher Thripp
[03.Oct.08 18:55]
sunday morning drivers ..gotta love em...

 =  Mr Thripp:)
Corina Gina Papouis
[03.Oct.08 20:54]
We don't all wear gloves and hats, you know, some of us like to talk about it..on a deeper level.
Thanks for passing by,

 =  Anonymity, blankness, the mask...
John Willy Kopperud
[03.Oct.08 22:26]
...that hides the consequences of severe blows. A wonderful theme in poetry. Good poem, Corina and the repetition of the
first lines in the end really works here!
Cheers from Willy

 =  Willy
Corina Gina Papouis
[04.Oct.08 00:16]
I nearly called it 'the mask'! Telepathy or...spookiness?
In times of hardship privacy/ anonymity works best for me, maybe for others, too...for a while, anyway...
Thanks for your thoughts on this one, Willy! Most appreciated.

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