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 =  May I know your standards?
Viorel Petru Trifan
[15.Jan.09 12:40]
Dear editor,

Text classified unsatisfactory.
Please find here below two addresses where my text is much better appreciated beig chosed from thousands or maybe more texts. And you can not contest that guys have english as their default language.

Kind regards
vp trifan

 =  .
Marius Surleac
[15.Jan.09 12:57]
First of all try to view the next issues:

“I smashing them”
“but let me tempted”
“but I put not them to spring”
“I chain them necklace”
“and than to catch”
“in a fairies dance”
“how ravens give wheel
carrions to be”
“tavern where the smoke
knife just cut it”

Also, pay attention to the inversion of tenses – there are expressions that look like being translated mot-a-mot from the Romanian language. Take a look to the syntax on the entire poem.

Best wishes,

 =  Kind regards, vp trifan
Viorel Petru Trifan
[17.Jan.09 15:23]
"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” M.A.

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