Comentariile membrilor:

 =  What a great conclusion!
John Willy Kopperud
[18.Jan.09 20:43]
Compact, laden with meaning! That's the way I like it. Magnificent!
Cheers from Willy

+ the sum of all fears..:)
Corina Gina Papouis
[18.Jan.09 22:57]
I have been to Spain but never to Barcelona.
(my soul is already packing...)

+ you know what...
Simona Sumanaru
[19.Jan.09 15:17]
you're actually right :-) the Word does make the law from the birth of time. Excellent, loved it!

 =  horia,
Laurenþiu Ion
[30.Jan.09 21:54]
the end deserves all the stars in the world

 =  world tour
[11.Apr.09 03:25]
Question: what does "effort" mean in this poem`s context? I keep slso wondering, if "in barcelona you can find out that death isn’t worth the effort" then you can also weight how much effort is worth a life. On this point, I would love to hear some thoughts.
Maybe the authour can make the tour of the world for this occasion? :)

 =  Barcelona! :X
Cãtãrãu Alina - Andreea
[23.Nov.09 13:34]
I've been to Barcelona and I'm glad that I found this poem about the magnificent Catalan capital. It's more than words can describe.

I like very much the comparison "the wind is wild/like the Catalan soul". in my point of view, Spanish people in general have a "wild" soul, positively speaking.

"death/isn't worth the effort", but visiting Barcelona yes.

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