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 =  are you waiting for a rain?
raj thampi
[18.Mar.09 21:00]
duh as if I understood your poem :) But I did read something about rain somewhere...are you waiting for a rain, poet?

 =  gunsel djemal
[21.Mar.09 19:54]

Hi Horia

Love this poem. Oh loneliness...

 =  raj
Horia Mocanu
[22.Mar.09 13:56]
well, raj, what i would expect you to understand is that the poem is a definition for the status quo of my life at certain moment in time, but then again, everybody should understand it differently. aren't we all waiting for a rain?
thanks for visiting. if you would like to read some more, might i recomend the earlier poems such as smells like teen spirit, i think you might like them. cheers

 =  gunsel
Horia Mocanu
[22.Mar.09 13:57]
thanks gunsel vor visiting. hope you will find even more poems that you like on my page. i might recomend the older ones. cheers. horia

 =  gunsel djemal
[26.Mar.09 11:56]
you are very welcome Horia as I find time love to read all the poems and will try to follow all your poems. Last week at work when talking to my colleague Corina Papouis she mentioned your poems to me...

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