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 =  ...
Laurenţiu Ion
[13.Jun.09 16:40]
I love when a text doesn't act in accordance with some conventional rules
this is an unusual one

death is just a part of something or the beginning of another sequence
the last explanation is bootless
so let the other lines to interfere

 =  but I'm not running rings round here
Veronica Valeanu
[13.Jun.09 18:25]
Laurentiu, that was not an explanation, but a chain of reactions framed from the exterior (to create the eggshell, to bring roundness) even if this roundness can be accused of remaining always exterior)

the host not the hostage

 =  ...
Laurenţiu Ion
[13.Jun.09 19:06]
for me it was an explanation
everything related with death is an explanation, maybe one exclusively made for justify life


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