Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Iustina
Corina Gina Papouis
[06.May.09 16:01]
A few grammar mistakes:
So IN my dream is singing our song in (the)rain; (BREAK!)your song is fervour/but my ears are too shy to listen your heart excitED by the lAw: all or nothing.

...otherwise not bad...:)
Keep it up!

 =  I'm a good listener.Thank you anyway.
Iustina Daniela Cucu
[10.May.09 16:24]
Thanks, Corina.You are very kind.If you read you'll see this poem on first place at "unsatisfactory"

 =  Still a couple...
John Willy Kopperud
[07.May.09 09:06]
...of linguistic corrections have to be made:
First: walking the street OF my face.
Second: my ears are too shy to listen TO your heart etc...
Provided the correction of these errors this poem must be
accepted. There is definitely something interesting going on in the text.
Cheers from Willy

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