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 =  destrg
Daniela Maria Benea
[10.Nov.06 23:27]
Amazing metaphors, beautiful choice of words, outstanding poem! If I could, I'd give you a few stars for this one.
I mostly liked the happening 'inside you as silences'.

 =  Destroy the silence, Camelia, bring in more poetry
Daniela Maria Benea
[10.Nov.06 23:29]
to follow my comment before, I pressed submit by mistake...

 =  Daniela
Heghedus Camelia
[12.Nov.06 17:31]
Sometimes as an old woman in a trial to play, sometimes as a child in a trial to say serious things, certainly writing is not my fortune. Therefore, your words took me by surprise. Thank you very much; you brought light into my day.

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