Comentariile membrilor:

 =  welcome
Anca Veronica Anghel
[07.Nov.03 17:53]
Welcome !

 =  dust in the wind
Andreea Drăguleasa
[09.Nov.03 15:34]
Your poem reminded me of the music I love:
U2 - Staring at the Sun
Lake of Tears - Crimson Cosmos
Sting - Desert Rose ...
Therefore, it has been a pleasure for me to wander through your "dust".
Still, I think the last part of the poem can still be perfected; there is a slight rupture of the rhythm. Not to mention that mispelled "crumbled" :)
I'm looking forward to reading more of your poems.

 =  Lake Of Tears
Florian Ardelean
[13.Nov.03 01:16]
Thank you for your opinion, Andreea. Actually I use the first part of the poem as lyrics for one of my songs.. who knows, you might hear it someday on the radio or something :)

By the way, the songs you mentioned... I like them. I really like Lake of Tears...

Now I wonder how I can make corrections to the text?!

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Înapoi !