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 =  Anathema - Memento Mori
Florian Ardelean
[20.Nov.03 13:07]
As the candle of life, that burned in your heart
Is doused by the grip of death's hand
Asmodeus, the spirit of lust
Bears his necrophile ways
For the wishes of the demon in black
My largesse in life should be immortality
Dislike the weak, mortal humans

But in life there's always death
A multitude are born to be damned
His perdisized body will burn forever
In the scorching flames of Gehenna.

 =  what is it that we seek?
kurt cnejevici
[22.Nov.03 00:06]
This is not a bad piece of work. I liked the ending in particular:
"what is it that we seek
to recover?
the loss of gods?
the loss of each other?"
Why do you keep it as personals instead of poems?

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