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 =  the poem doesn't inspire anything to me
Grosu Luiza-Oana
[20.May.05 03:01]
correct: "your lips"
too much "I wanna". anyway "wanna" it's not correct in the english language. this is an american speech form, and it is not accepted in the literature. correct "I want to".

 =  Oana,she's only 15,don't be so mean
Nancy M. Popa
[01.Jun.05 04:56]
the poem is nice ,but you should try to correct it a bit.
such as in your lips as Oana said ,feel,feeling.Really?not accepted wanna?Oana,if I m not mistaking you have one poem with wanna also,and i don t see any rules that deny the use of wanna.
Good luck Simona

 =  ohh
Diana Pacuraru
[02.Jun.05 22:04]
This poem has anything else but originality...

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