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+ Nice!
Daniel Dinescu
[08.May.04 03:47]
You write very nice in English, I would want to hear more often from you! :)
I admire your fly to the infinite, not only in this poem. Interesting is how you catch very well the image of an empty room, an empty space, but a full heart.
I think is too small (the size of) your poetry and I would work at the form, but this one deserves a star! :)
Best wishes,

 =  this star
Dara Blu
[19.May.04 08:08]
...was a great surprise for me.
Thank you for it and for the consideration about my poetry :)
English is a language which I don't speak so well and in this case I prefer the concise form, especially this is also in concordance with my style.
What form do you suggest me for this poetry?

Best wishes!

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