Comentariile membrilor:

 =  simplistic
Carmen Fenesan
[28.Aug.04 01:01]
It's a nice idea, and expressed pretty well in the first stance. Second stanza on the other hand falls into cliche. A world to perfect to live in , drowning in tears.. that's something that belongs in The Young and the Restless. You can do better!

The Young and Restless? Thanks for your comment!

 =  "The Young and Restless?"
Carmen Fenesan
[01.Sep.04 21:30]

What, it hasn't been translated into portugese, too? :)
It's a soap opera.. you know, one of those shows where everyone's in love and cries all the time.

 =  Lúcia Roque
I had never heard about it! But I agree! The second stanza is not good at all! But the first... I just love it so much!

 =  Poem
Daniel Dinescu
[22.Sep.04 16:11]
I think the poem is a sum of thoughts, I enjoyed some of its first part...
I like your name! :) It's a poem.
Talk to you later,

 =  Wistful
You like my name? That's nice! Thank you!

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