Comentariile membrilor:

 =  My brother Asian!
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[27.May.05 08:32]
nice Text! It s appealing but then few only notice it, as i can say there are only few people who appreciates our text even if still it excels above, hope to read more of your text, Good Luck!

Joshua Butawan (death scythe)

 =  Thank you, my brother Asia!
Yohanes Manhitu
[30.May.05 13:52]
Dear Joshua,
"Maraming salamat po" for your comment as well as compliment. I am glad that you like the poem. Poetry is something subjective, my brother Asian. So far, I have not read your texts, but I will and then let you know. Good luck!


 =  Thank you, my brother Asian!
Yohanes Manhitu
[30.May.05 13:53]
Dear Joshua,
"Maraming salamat po" for your comment as well as compliment. I am glad that you like the poem. Poetry is something subjective, my brother Asian. So far, I have not read your texts, but I will and then let you know. Good luck!


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