Comentariile membrilor:

 =  That's a pretty good job, keep that always!
Joshua Butawan
[30.Sep.04 17:29]
Hey brad that's a good I dea in your Poem, I can tell you that you got a wonderful Imagination your good.
I just want you to maka a return comment for me Just read one of my Works.


 =  Nice gloomy work
Georgiana Vasiliu
[01.Oct.04 17:18]
It has an effect on me... It's kinda like a drug you wanna taste it and once it is on your tongue you want it again. Pretty good for a person fluent in Romanian and with English as a second language.

 =  Georgiana
Daniel Dinescu
[08.Nov.04 23:55]
thank you, georgiana, I used to love English, for the moment my life is in English, so, I hope not to stop here. :)
waiting for your other comments.

 =  Thank you Daniel
Diana Pacuraru
[03.Feb.05 00:22]
Daniel, right now I am in a very bad mood and this poem, with a little help from someone else, helped me feel better. Really. It's so full of passion, of freedom, of power. I'm glad I stumbled across it tonight.

 =  It's been a while
Daniel Puia-Dumitrescu
[27.Jun.06 23:33]
Thank you, Diana, I just saw it ...

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