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 =  Simple
Diana Pacuraru
[08.Nov.04 21:11]
I hope you didn't commit suicide after this poem :))) It is full of rage. But it also seems written on a napkin, at a sport hour, after you fought with several friends.

 =  the truth
mihalka tiberiu
[09.Nov.04 19:14]
well, u are almost right, i wrote it on my biology class and i am really a pesimistic person, and i already planed to commit suicide, and i never had a fight in my life. in the poem i tried to work with the simbol of the clock and the rest of my miserable life.

 =  Well...
Diana Pacuraru
[11.Nov.04 00:20]
I tried to commit suicide as well, once. But even if it seems stereotypical, I realised it was a mistake. People die anyway. If you would be immortal, it would be understandable to wish for death as you've had enough of your life.

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