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Cine sunt eu?
: “Toți suntem nemuritori. Dar trebuie să murim întâi.” – Mircea Eliade Personale 2007-05-17 (1504 afişări)
Cristale de ceață
: Ridică mâna și ciocănește ușor în cerul nopții. Apoi ascultă! Poezie 2007-05-17 (1647 afişări)
Prima oară
: “Pe cărarea cea mirifică și întunecată a unui vis, am căutat-o plin de speranță pe cea pe care o iubeam într-o viață anterioară.” (Rabindranath Tagore) Personale 2007-05-17 (1596 afişări)
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Biografie Tudor Damian
My name is Tudor Damian, but friends call me Tudy.
I was born April 12, 1984, in Bistrita, Romania. I have been living in Cluj-Napoca since 2003.
A few things about me: I work in System Administration for a hosting company in the US, and I’m interested in technology, web standards and systems and network security.
I also like anything that has to do with astronomy & astrology, photography, chess, logic puzzles, new-age music and oriental philosophy.
As far as my literary preferences go, I like "classic" Sci-Fi (Isaac Asimov, Frank Herbert, Arthur C. Clarke, Douglas Adams) and English poetry (William Blake, Edgar Allan Poe).
Over the years, I won a few prizes at local and national poetry and prose contests, and had my texts published in a few magazines. You can find more info about me, and some of the texts I've written on my personal web page (