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Solving the puzzle
: Poetry 2012-01-24 (2087 hits)
myriad snowflakes
: photo tanka Poetry 2012-01-23 (4159 hits)
The first kiss
: Bywords Poetry 2012-01-20 (3771 hits)
Green under fire
: Verse Afire Poetry 2012-01-15 (2197 hits)
Anna and the sigh with diamonds. Mastectomy
: Bywords Poetry 2012-01-15 (3507 hits)
other leaves
: photo tanka Poetry 2012-01-09 (3877 hits)
 : Photo tanka Poetry 2012-01-03 (7560 hits)
luscious lentisk
: Photo tanka, A Botany of Tanka Poetry 2011-11-29 (3034 hits)
hand in hand
: Photo tanka Poetry 2011-11-29 (2230 hits)
I think of the days
: Photo tanka, Gusts Poetry 2011-11-22 (4800 hits)
a periscope
: photo tanka, Red Lights Poetry 2011-11-21 (3941 hits)
: Gusts Poetry 2011-11-21 (2178 hits)
this world
: Ribbons Poetry 2011-11-20 (2109 hits)
: photo tanka Poetry 2011-11-20 (5821 hits)
rain sifted
: photo tanka, Magnapoets Poetry 2011-11-17 (7638 hits)
his bouquet of roses
: tanka, Magnapoets Poetry 2011-07-25 (2347 hits)
winter shows off
: Gusts Poetry 2011-07-08 (2708 hits)
a dried branch
: photo tanka, Red Lights Poetry 2011-07-08 (2584 hits)
: photo tanka Poetry 2011-06-26 (3700 hits)
wearing long skirt
: photo tanka Poetry 2011-06-26 (2656 hits)
his cold voice
: photo tanka Poetry 2011-06-25 (2486 hits)
online affair
: Poetry 2011-06-25 (4057 hits)
in rain
: photo tanka, Moonbathing Poetry 2011-06-24 (4897 hits)
the place you call your own
: Poetry 2011-06-23 (2445 hits)
robin on a tripod
: photo tanka Poetry 2011-06-18 (3801 hits)
the lake
: photo tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-06-17 (3584 hits)
alone at dawn
: Ribbons Poetry 2011-06-16 (2421 hits)
this man
: photo tanka Poetry 2011-06-14 (5707 hits)
: Magnapoets Poetry 2011-06-14 (2267 hits)
: photo tanka Poetry 2011-06-14 (2524 hits)
circular poem
: Emerging Stars Poetry 2011-06-10 (2652 hits)
leaving Ottawa
: Emerging Stars Poetry 2011-06-10 (4014 hits)
linden trees in bloom
: tan renga with Magdalena Dale Poetry 2011-06-01 (4929 hits)
: Emerging Stars Poetry 2011-05-30 (2278 hits)
I speed on burnt roads
: photo tanka Poetry 2011-05-30 (6266 hits)
snowfall upon skylight
: tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-05-30 (4583 hits)
winter solstice
: photo tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-05-18 (2886 hits)
we stand
: photo tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-05-18 (2836 hits)
: Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-05-17 (2309 hits)
I speed on burnt streets
: tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-05-17 (2423 hits)
again searching
: tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-05-14 (2416 hits)
in love you give blindly
: tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-05-14 (2280 hits)
everywhere I look
: tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-04-29 (2348 hits)
home after another
: tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-04-29 (2986 hits)
stars strewed all over
: tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-04-21 (2244 hits)
wearing long skirt
: tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-04-21 (2374 hits)
green sprouts
: tanka, Red Lights Poetry 2011-04-03 (2152 hits)
crickets bounced off walls
: tanka, Red Lights Poetry 2011-04-03 (2185 hits)
the dried leaf
: photo tanka, Moonbathing Poetry 2011-04-03 (5026 hits)
the hummingbird that caressed my cheek
: Broken City Magazine Poetry 2011-03-28 (2076 hits)
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Biography Luminita Suse
Luminita Suse is a member of the League of Canadian Poets, Haiku Canada, The Ontario Poetry Society, Tanka Canada, Tanka Society of America, and others.
- Skylark No. 2, 2013, UK
- Ottawa Arts Review, Issue 7.1,2013, Canada
- Byline, Vol.30, No.4, Aug-Sep 2013, Canada
- World Haiku Review, 2012
- A Hint of Light, co-author Mike Montreuil, response tanka, Edition des petits nuages, 2013, Canada
- A Thousand Fireflies / Mille Lucioles, Edition des petits nuages, 2012, Canada
- Avid Walls, phafours press, 2012, Canada
- Kado Calea Poeziei, Vol. 1:1, 2012, Romania
- Bywords Quarterly Journal, 2006-2013, Canada
- The New Stalgica Hymnal, 2009, Canada
- Ditch Poetry, 2008, Canada
- The Broken City, No. 6, 2010, Canada
- Air Out In Air, 21 Poets for the Guatemala Stove Project, phafours press, 2011, Canada
- Moonbathing, No. 2-6, 2010-2012, USA
- Magnapoets, No. 7-9, 2012, Canada
- Magnapoets âButterfly Awayâ anthology, 2011, Canada
- Magnapoets âMany Windowsâ anthology, 2011, Canada
- Ribbons â Tanka CafĂ©, Vol.6/No.4,Vol.7/No.1-3,Vol. 8/No.1-2, 2010-2012, USA
- Gusts, 2010-2013, Canada
- Red Lights, 2011-2013, USA
- A Hundred Gourds, 2011-2013, USA
- Notes from the Gean, 3:2, 3:3, 3:4, 3:5, 4:1, 2011-2012, USA
- Kokako #18, 2013, New Zealand
- Prune Juice #9, 2012, USA
- Atlas Poetica, No. 7, 9-11/2010-2012, USA
- Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka 2010, USA
- Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka 2011, USA
- American Tanka, 2011, USA
- The Temple Bell Stops, anthology, 2012, USA
- Spirit Eyes and Fireflies, anthology of The Ontario Poetry Society, 2011, Canada
- Arborealis, anthology of The Ontario Poetry Society, 2010, Canada
- Emerging Stars, anthology of The Ontario Poetry Society, 2010, Canada
- Anthology One, anthology of Ascent Aspirations Magazine, BC, 2006, Canada
- Agua Terra, anthology of Ascent Aspirations Magazine, BC, 2007, Canada
- Borderlines, anthology of Ascent Aspirations Magazine, BC, 2008, Canada
- New World Century, anthology of Ascent Aspirations Magazine, 2010, Canada
- As One Cradles Pain, anthology of Ascent Aspirations Magazine, 2012, Canada
- Astropoetica,, 2004, USA
- Enchanted Crossroads anthology of The Ontario Poetry Society, 2007, Canada
- Butterfly Thunder anthology of The Ontario Poetry Society, 2008, Canada
- Frost & Foliage, anthology of The Ontario Poetry Society, 2009, Canada
- Verse Afire, newsletters of The Ontario Poetry Society, since 2006, Canada
- Sage of Consciousness 2:3 e-zine, 2006, USA
- The Saving Banister anthology of the Canadian Authors Association, 2006-2008, Canada
- 3rd place in CAA-NCR National Capital Writing Contest, 2013, Canada
- first prize in The Open Heart Poetry Competition 2012, The Ontario Poetry Society
- honourable mention in the The 7th International Tanka Festival Competition, 2012,organised by Japan Tanka Poetsâ Society
- honourable mention in CAA-NCR National Capital Writing Contest, 2012, Canada
- shortlisted for 2010 Descant/Winston Collins Prize for Best Canadian Poem
- third place and two honourable mentions in Emerging from Shadows Contest 2011, The Ontario Poetry Society
honourable mention in Emerging from Shadows Contest , 2010, The Ontario Poetry Society
- six honourable mentions in The Open Heart Poetry Competition 2009-2012, The Ontario Poetry Society
- third place and honourable mention by Chocolate River Poetry Association in the Flat Signed Poetry Competition 2007