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then I didn't feel my hand anymore
: a poem for Shiraz Poetry 2021-05-13 (2038 hits)
when I first loved India
: the fifteenth poem for Shiraz Poetry 2020-09-20 (2106 hits)
in return for your navy blue shirt
: the fourteenth poem for Shiraz Poetry 2020-09-17 (9959 hits)
If I ever forget
: the thirteenth poem for Shiraz Poetry 2020-09-07 (2337 hits)
The Icelandic genealogy
: the twelfth poem for Shiraz Poetry 2020-07-21 (2214 hits)
The only thing
: the eleventh poem for Shiraz Poetry 2019-01-26 (12874 hits)
In our image and our likeness
: the tenth poem for Shiraz Poetry 2019-01-20 (13141 hits)
Shiraz / outlines
: Poetry 2018-12-06 (3559 hits)
a theory of apocalypse
: Poetry 2018-11-05 (10898 hits)
Not a love poem, but a poem about Ecclesiastes
: the eighth poem for Shiraz Poetry 2018-10-31 (3452 hits)
Flying in that silver world
: the seventh poem for Shiraz Poetry 2018-10-10 (3300 hits)
: Poetry 2018-09-04 (3587 hits)
November crimson
: Poetry 2005-09-28 (5239 hits)
Love is a silky fall
: Poetry 2005-08-19 (4007 hits)
Some leaves
: Poetry 2005-08-15 (4326 hits)
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Dana, Songo, Patrick - thank you
>> Andreea: thank you
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Biography Alina Manole
Debut în volum de versuri: "Deasupra nopții", Editura "Cronica", Iași, 1998. Apariție în "Dicționarul scriitorilor ieșeni contemporani", ediția a doua, 2002.A publicat în volumele colective de cenaclu "Virtualia", Iași. Inclusă în antologia "Time after Time", The International Library of Poetry, USA, 2000. Colaborări și semnalări critice în: "Cronica", "Poezia", "Convorbiri literare", "Timpul", "Atheneum" (Canada), "Symposion", "Foaie pentru minte, inimă și literatură",,,ă a Societății Culturale "Junimea’90" din Iași.Membră a Cenaclului "Virtualia" din Iași. Surfeur cu experienta pe :) .